The Housing Quality Network (HQN) is gathering items for its next issue of the 'Evidence' newsletter, which brings news of academic research direct to housing professionals.
The Evidence newsletter sits within The Governor which is the HQN's quarterly magazine. This is circulated to a wide range of specialist practitioner networks, local authority housing directors, housing associations and committee/board chairs. Therefore, publishing in the newsletter is an effective way of communicating academic research to frontline practitioners and middle and senior management.
HSA members are welcome to send items up to 800 words long on any topical research related to housing, planning, design, welfare benefits and similar subjects. Please avoid lots of references but you can of course include links to open access journal papers and blogs.
Send items or ask for more details to the editor, Janis Bright, [email protected] by 4th December 2020. Short mentions of papers, events, etc. with a link are also welcome. View the latest issue, sponsored by HSA and CaCHE, within The Governor magazine here: