HSA Community Guidelines - Updated April 2024

The Housing Studies Association (HSA) is committed to equality, diversity and actively promotes an open, inclusive culture amongst all our members. Diversity enriches our organisation, and contributes directly to the wider achievement of our objectives. We are committed to being an Association in which those within and beyond the Housing Studies community can actively interact, debate and exchange ideas – in an open environment free from discrimination and harassment.

Who is the HSA Community?

The HSA is a membership organisation comprised of those who undertake or engage in research about housing. Members are therefore practitioners, academics, policy-makers, activists and those involved in creating change related to housing. 

The HSA holds a number of events throughout the year, including our annual conference and Autumn lecture, as well providing opportunities for dissemination and discussion through our blog, social media, and further opportunities. Although the majority of individuals who engage with these events and opportunities are HSA members, the HSA community comprises of anyone who participates in these opportunities events regardless of membership status.

What does this set of guidelines relate to?

This set of community guidelines relates currently to event engagement. Although the majority of attendees at these events are HSA members, the HSA event community comprises of anyone who attends and engages with our events regardless of membership status.

There are a number of ways individuals engage with our events: this can be online or in person (depending on the event). Community members also play different roles within our events; organisers, attendees, Chairs, speakers, HSA board representatives. These guidelines apply to all methods of engagement with HSA events and roles within these events. 

What are community members’ responsibilities? 

We are committed to working on making HSA events inclusive to all who want to engage in them. There are a variety of considerations that form part of our planning process in order to work towards providing equitable access in terms of attendance. 

These community guidelines specifically refer to working towards fair sharing – ensuring that once at the event, individuals (regardless of different event and career roles) are given equal chances to participate and to feel comfortable and supported in doing so. Our events are a gathering of the HSA community. To that end, we have obligations towards each other in this space so that all feel welcome. 

Community members should:

  • In both formal and social spaces, consider how they are communicating with others, ensuring that non-discriminatory language is being used 
  • in both formal and social spaces, focus on accessible communication for all, recognising the growing international and non-academic scope of the HSA 
  • In social spaces, take opportunities to talk to and make welcome those who may not yet feel part of the community 
  • Recognise that due to the nature of the subject of housing, community members will have experience of the topics we discuss and to be mindful of this in the presentation and discussion of data

When in sessions:

  • Chairs should actively encourage participation from individuals or communities who are easily overlooked or marginalised
  • Chairs should ensure the discussion space is accessible, welcoming, and supportive to all participants (in the room and online if the event is hybrid)
  • Audience members and speakers should support the person Chairing the session, recognising that this might be a new or unfamiliar experience for them

What can community members expect?

If we all consider our roles and responsibilities within the event, we should be able to create an event where community members can expect to experience:

  • A comfortable environment to engage with the event, free from discriminatory language 
  • A supportive and safe environment to share research ideas and to engage with others’ research, working practices and life experiences 
  • A supportive place to build networks 
  • A place where positive and constructive contributions are welcomed
  • A place where individuals feel valued as part of a community 
HSA Community Guidelines
The Housing Studies Association (HSA) is a limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 13958843 at 42 Wellington Road, Greenfield, OL3 7AQ.
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