We are pleased to offer a fantastic publishing opportunity.
The journal Social Sciences is publishing a Special Issue on Migration and Housing which will explore the intersections between these two increasingly urgent contemporary policy concerns. 

Much research has been published on migrants, migration and housing in the 21st century. However, additional research is needed on how migration intersects with various forms of housing precarity, and how marginalised migrant groups are disproportionately impacted by displacement, evictions, poor housing quality, unaffordability and unequal access to housing.
Guest editors Regina Serpa, Qiong He and Anna Pearce are the Editorial team for this issue and are inviting expressions of interest from those whose work examines the linkages between migration and housing. We are particularly interested in publishing and sharing research that relates to methodological innovation and under-researched topics and groups.
The criteria set by the journal is that all contributors hold a PhD, but the HSA recognises that innovative work is done by Early Career Researchers. The criteria for this issue, therefore, is that authors are working towards or have recently been awarded a PhD. If you would like to express your interest in this offer, please send the below information to guest editor ReginaSerpa (r.c.serpa@stir.ac.uk):

  • Paper title 
    Author(s) name(s)
    Author(s) contact information and affiliated institution
  • 100 word summary of the proposed paper 
  • Do you meet the outlined criteria?

Regina, Qiong and Anna 

The Housing Studies Association (HSA) is a limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 13958843 at 42 Wellington Road, Greenfield, OL3 7AQ.
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