Membership benefits
Housing Studies Association members enjoy a discounted rate at our annual conference and Autumn Lecture, and are eligible to apply for financial bursaries for events and activities that support and promote housing research. Members can also submit blog posts to our website and circulate news items and event promotions via our mailing lists.
The Housing Studies Association currently sponsors the Housing Quality Network's 'Evidence' newsletter, which is published quarterly to housing associations, councils and other providers. Housing Studies Association members are able to publish in the Evidence newsletter to promote their work.
Early-career researcher members are encouraged to submit papers for the Valerie Karn Prize. Finally, membership of the HSA carries the option of a subscription to a number of journals at very advantageous rates, the most popular with members being the Housing Studies Journal.
Please click 'join now' below for further details on how to become a member.
Who should be a member of Housing Studies Association?
Anyone who is interested in housing studies can join the association and we are keen to recruit members from across the housing studies community and throughout the UK, including:
- Students of vocational housing courses or those undertaking housing related post-graduate research;
- Academics with housing research interests;
- Researchers working in non-academic environments such as local government, the social housing movement, the voluntary sector, private sector housing agencies, government offices and arms-length agencies;
- Policy makers, practitioners and decision-takers across the housing community who are interested in research and in the application of research to policy and practice