Housing Studies Association Autumn Lecture 2019
Housing as a Human Right
9th October 2019, Cardiff
We are delighted to announce the third annual Autumn lecture from the Housing Studies Association which will take place this year in Cardiff. ‘Housing as a Human Right’ is a theme that has gained traction in Wales (and further afield) in recent years and our three fantastic speakers will outline key ideas around understanding access to housing in a rights-based way, as well as discussing how this conceptual approach works in practice.
Alicja Zalesinska (Director of Tai Pawb) will present her paper exploring the feasibility of making housing a human right in Wales. This will address questions of why we need the right to housing and what the impact of this would be on issues such as accessibility, affordability, and homelessness. This work was jointly commissioned by Tai Pawb, CIH Cymru, and Shelter Cymru.
Beth Watts (Heriot Watt University) will place the rights-discourse on housing in context, describing the different kinds of ‘rights’ that might offer tools to improve people’s lives in general and housing circumstances in particular, as well as exploring the limitations and unintended consequences of rights-based approaches.
Katie Howells (Merthyr Valleys Homes) will explore what these discussions around rights mean in practice. She will outline the issues facing young people in relation to housing, and argue for a tailored approach to youth homelessness. The example of Housing First for Youth in Canada will be presented as a way of securing housing as a right for young people.
Tickets for the Autumn Lecture cost £5 for HSA members and £15 for non-members. If you wish to become an HSA member and take advantage of the reduced ticket rate then more information is here.
To register for the Autumn Lecture please click here.
The lecture will take place from 3-5pm and will be followed by a drinks reception from 5-6pm. It will take place in the Committee Rooms, Glamorgan Building, Cardiff University, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WT.
We hope you are able to join us for this thought-provoking event.

Many thanks to Merthyr Valleys Homes for sponsoring this year’s Autumn Lecture.
For any questions about this event please email the organisers:
Jenny Hoolachan – [email protected]
Helen Taylor – [email protected]
Committee Rooms, Glamorgan Building, Cardiff University
King Edward VII AvenueCardiff, South Glamorgan CF10 3WT United Kingdom