The Social Homes for Manchester (SH4M) campaign are launching a Commission on the state and future of social housing in Manchester. Its mission is to co-create an evidence base and a set of practical and financially robust recommendations for increasing the availability of ecologically sustainable social housing across the City of Manchester within the next decade. As part of this work, we are looking for an experienced researcher with a track record of excellent research and research communication to produce a 20-page report (approx. 8000 words) on the past and current state of social housing in the city within a wider analysis of housing need. To accomplish the above, a Research Associate (RA) will be hired for 150 hours (an average of 2 days/week for 10 weeks) at £20.39/hour. 

The RA will primarily undertake desk-based synthesis research, synthesising data provided directly by Manchester City Council and existing grey and academic literature on the Manchester/Greater Manchester context. This may be supplemented by a small amount of primary data collection where necessary. The RA will take responsibility for writing the report, working collaboratively with Commissioners and members of the Social Homes for Manchester Steering Group. We are specifically looking for a report that helps us answer the following questions:

● What has happened to social housing per capita/per household over time?
● What does this look like geographically across the city (are there particular neighbourhoods that have been worst affected)?
● What are the key historical drivers of the current housing crisis in the city?
● What is the current amount, quality, and type of housing stock available across the city compared to current demographics and projected needs across the city and the current waiting list?
● Are there particular neighbourhoods that are most in need; and which may have both high need and a strong justification for social homes creation due to significant losses over time?
● What are the easier wins in relation to getting more homes built in the short term for those in most urgent need? What is likely to be more complex?
● What are the gaps in the evidence, what does the Commission need to understand better? 

The RA would ideally be expected to start during week commencing 17 June 2024; produce a first draft by 9 August; and a final version by 2 September 2024.

Expressions of interest: 

Please submit a two page CV together with a personal statement setting out why your skills, experience, and research background are suited to this opportunity, and why you would like to work with us (maximum 2 sides of A4) to: [email protected] by midday on Friday 14th June, 2024. 

For further information about the Social Homes for Manchester coalition please visit For further information about the recruiting organisation please visit CLASS is a member of the Social Homes for Manchester coalition and steering group. 

If you would like an informal chat about this opportunity before submitting an EoI please email Sophie King (Director) at [email protected]

The Housing Studies Association (HSA) is a limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 13958843 at 42 Wellington Road, Greenfield, OL3 7AQ.
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