The UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE), based at the University of Sheffield, is currently advertising two Research Associate jobs. Both have a closing date of 25th August 2023.
The first is a Research Associate (Quantitative Housing Studies / Housing Economics) position. The job requires a track record of excellent research in Quantitative Social Sciences field or Applied Economic (preferably with an interest in the analysis of Housing Systems, Planning, Social Policy/Public Policy) and a critical appreciation of the nature and uses of evidence reviews, analysis of data and ability to work with qualitative and quantitative methods and possibly experience of the analysis of spatial datasets. You can see the full job ad by clicking here.
The second is a Research Associate position. The job requires a track record of excellent research in a Social Sciences field (preferably Housing Studies, Urban Studies, Planning or Social Policy/Public Policy) and a critical appreciation of the nature and uses of evidence reviews, analysis of data and ability to work with qualitative and quantitative methods, as appropriate. You can see the full job ad by clicking here.