Dear HSA members and friends
We understand that moving the 2020 HSA conference is likely to have caused disruption in a variety of ways. At the time of writing this the situation is rapidly changing and there is likely to be a degree of uncertainty, which will impact in a range of ways for some time to come. We are working hard to try and accommodate this uncertainty whilst still supporting the Housing Studies community.
We would like to appeal to all members, at this time more than at any other, to please do continue to support the HSA and the annual conference by attending and sharing your work and re-connecting with others. Please do also spread the word about the HSA and our fantastic conference amongst anyone who you think would be interested. The conference is not designed to be profit making and conference fees are invested in producing an excellent event and funding conference bursaries for Early Career Researchers and others who do not have funding.
We have prepared some responses to potential questions you may have about the reorganisation of the conference. If there are additional questions please do contact [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Conference FAQs
What are the new dates for the conference?
We now hope to hold the conference from 4th to 6th of November 2020 and this will be hosted at the Crowne Plaza, Sheffield, UK. We will continue to monitor all government and Public Health England advice and update you with any further changes.
I can no longer attend the full conference but I would still like to attend can I alter my conference registration from full conference to the day attendance rate?
Yes this will be possible please contact [email protected] to discuss your requirements.
If I can no longer attend the conference am I entitled to a refund?
We’d really miss you at the event! If there is something we can do to help you still come to the event by transferring you to a non-residential day pass for instance then please get in touch with us. However, if you can’t attend then yes a refund of your conference fee will be made please contact [email protected] if this is the case.
I have already registered for the conference do I need to re-register
If you have already registered for the conference your registration and accommodation requirements (if already booked through the conference team) will transfer to the new dates. You don’t need to do anything. If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected]
Will my paper be transferred to the new programme?
Yes your paper will be transferred to the new programme. You don’t need to do anything. We will be back in touch with you in due course to share the final programme. New deadlines for the receipt of presentations will be provided at a later date.
I am a conference bursary recipient will my bursary still be valid for the new dates?
I am a conference bursary recipient and I had already booked by travel will the HSA honour this additional cost?
We would ask all bursary recipients to attempt to obtain a refund for any travel expenses already incurred. Where this is not be possible we will reimburse all existing expenditure when supported with a receipt for payment.
Will there be further opportunities to apply for a conference bursary?
Unfortunately not.
Can I submit to the Valerie Karn prize?
No we will not be permitting new entries to the Valerie Karn prize. The prize winner will be announced at the conference.
Will there be another call for papers?
We anticipate being able to accommodate a limited number of new paper submissions within the conference programme. However, we continue to monitor the situation with Covid-19 and will announce the call for additional papers in due course. New deadlines and instructions for submissions will be announced over the coming months.